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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/12/2012
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting January 12, 2012
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann  

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  

Minutes of 12/12/11 meeting were reviewed and approved with typo corrections.

Public education and outreach:  Renewed public outreach included in 2012 goals, see below.  

Management of Town-Owned Lands:  Zack and Bob attended the Parks and Rec Committee meetings on 12/21 and 1/11 to refine the scope of work for engineering design of the Carpenter Park field improvements.  Charles Moreno forwarded a proposal for work to bid the timber cutting, including removal of timber within the disturbed area and thinning on the rest of the property as was previously recommended.  There was discussion about minimizing the disturbed area for the perimeter trail, soccer field, and other park improvements.  Next coordinating meeting will be 1/25 at 5PM and a public presentation of the project will be 2/8/12.

Blaze and Bob walked the Whittemore property on 12/14.   Blaze is preparing a map showing coordinates of assumed property features and boundaries.   There was a discussion of a possible future survey of the property to confirm boundaries.  This survey could be combined with survey activities for other Town parcels.  

Town Forests:  Blaze and Bob walked the Spaulding Town Forest perimeter on 1/9 and were able to locate most corners and boundaries.  There was a discussion of improving access and use of this parcel.   Blaze will prepare GPS documentation of the parcel for the February meeting.  

CCC Goals: The draft goals included in the December minutes were discussed and the following were adopted with lead person as noted:

1.      Possible changes to investment of Conservation Funds for better rate of return - Blaze.
2.      Develop a plan for control of invasive plants on Town-owned lands – Gordon.
3.      Continue improvement of stewardship, including marking and maintenance of bounds, of Town lands and easements – Blaze.
4.      Plan and conduct public guided walks and workshops on conservation topics – Dawn and Zack
5.      Continue Carpenter Park planning – Zack
6.      Continue public information to promote conservation easements – Bob
7.      Plan for improved access and expanded use of Spaulding Town Forest – Bob

Other business:
Another meeting of community representatives for nomination of the Suncook River to the Rivers Management and Protection Program will be held 1/18, attended by Chichester reps Jeff Andrews and Bob Mann.

Motion to adjourn at 9:05pm passes.


Robert Mann, Chairman